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Agent Service Randomly Stop

Is there any known issue that causes the agent service to stop? We have monitors on a few of our servers and just randomly they will stop. Most of the time they will start up on their own, but we are currently unable to really pin point any cause down. On one of our servers currently the monitor shows the server itself as up, but still shows SQL and IIS as down.

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Please check whether the following service "Site24x7 APP Monitoring Agent" is running on the server. If not, start the service and check SQL and IIS monitors are working fine. 

Also, we request you to zip the entire logs folder available under the agent installation directory and send that to "[email protected]". It will be helpful for us to analyze the root cause of this failure. 


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Thank you for your reply, Rafee. I have submitted my log files per your instructions. I do want to note that even if we restart the service as you mentioned, it will never say the monitors are up and then the service will eventually just stop itself.

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Thanks for sharing the logs, Jairo. 

We will have this checked and get back to you with an update via email. Please bear with us. 


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