Site24x7 Uptime Buttons are a great way to showcase the credibility of your website thereby giving your customers the confidence about the reliability and dependability of your online business.
Advantages of displaying an Uptime Button
- Instill confidence in your customers about the reliability of your business.
- Show the availability stats of your website dynamically for the past 7 days.
- Get free monitoring credits added to your account, if any of your website visitors sign up for Site24x7 paid account via the Uptime Button displayed on your website.
How do I add an Uptime Button to my website?
You can get the code snippet for our Uptime Button under Reports > Portal Integration > Uptime Button > Add Uptime Button.
Achieve IT automation with Invoke URL
Site24x7 is not just about availability monitoring. Site24x7 allows you to automate IT actions via HTTP call back action called Invoke URL. This way you can assign Site24x7 the task of initiating the next steps when your website or application goes down. Typical tasks can be done via Invoke URL are
- Restart the server when it is down.
- Automatically add an extra virtual machine instance or an EC2 instance to your application server group to improve performance.
Read more about this in our blog post.
You can customize monitoring reports by adding your own logo and theme color. Learn More