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Ruby Application Performance Monitoring

Site24x7 APM Insight Ruby agent deployed on a Rails platform gives you end-to-end web-transaction awareness enabling you to isolate performance issues and resolve them quickly. Site24x7 requires a monitoring agent (ruby gem) to be deployed in your application server to monitor Ruby application performance. Download the latest Ruby Agent and deploy it in your application server. The agent collects application performance metrics and sends it to the central Site24x7 server at fixed intervals i.e. every 60 seconds.

For an in-depth understanding of Site24x7 APM Insight along with the architecture, check out our getting started page.

Requirements: Ruby- 1.8.7 and higher, Rails- 3.0 and higher, Sinatra- 1.4.0 and higher.

Frameworks supported: Rails, Sinatra, Sidekiq, and ActiveRecord.

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